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What next? Have your say!

We’ve been discussing the digital capability challenge with a number of stakeholders over the summer: directors of library services, directors of IT services, heads of e-Learning, learning technologists, those working with college principals, staff on the ground supporting universities and colleges with digital literacy work, researchers, heads of staff development, and lecturers. We’ve discussed current challenges, approaches taken to further developing the digital capability of various staff groups, and how Jisc might be able to support the sector going forward. Out of these discussions, we’ve pulled together a set of potential solutions which could be worked up into projects which will deliver over the next 18 months. These have sometimes emerged explicitly in discussion, and sometimes through reflection on how identified challenges might be addressed.

What these ideas need now is sense-checking and prioritisation. To enable that to happen, I’ve uploaded them into Ideascale – – and we’re asking anyone with an interest in this area, particularly if you are looking for advice, guidance, resources or support on digital literacy or digital capability, to read through the ideas and vote for the ones that look the most useful. If the resource or service you need isn’t there, you can add it as a new idea.

Do have a look and vote: the more people engage, the sounder the steer from the community, and the better our codesign approach works.

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